Terry Chase - Speaker at Powerhouse Summit - 2023 Women's Conference

Terry Chase,

Speaker, Author, Coach

About Terry Chase

Dr. Terry Chase is dedicated to health, growth, and learning. She has a deep and multi-faceted background in advanced education and hands-on experience in healthcare, education, and professional development. Terry is a professional coach, healer, and guide who has facilitated classes and workshops for personal and professional growth for 30+ years. She uses mandalas for personal growth and professional work as a life coach, team facilitator and experiential educator. Her book “Spoke by Spoke: How a Broken Back and a Broken Bike Led to a Wholehearted Life” was published in 2021.

Listen to why you should join my class

Terry’s Class

Hello everyone,

I’m really excited to be able to present again this year at the PowerHouse Summit in Grand Junction. It’s going to be at the end of September on the CMU campus, and I’m so excited! Last year, I did a keynote speech and met some great people. There was a lot of energy, and they invited me back again this year to do a breakout session.

The title of my session is “The Wonder of the Mandala: Circles of Wholeness, Health, and Healing.” This session is going to be a little bit different than the usual high-energy, “get out there and do your stuff” kind of thing that the PowerHouse Summit is based on. Because I really believe that when we take a little bit of time to be quiet and go inside, we can actually tap into our power.

So, what’s a mandala? You might be asking. Well, it’s a circle. It’s a Sanskrit word for circle, and within that circle is wholeness. You’ve probably recognized mandalas if I tell you a few examples. For those of you who are of the Christian faith, you know the halo, the trinity. There’s also the sand drawings of the Buddhist monks. Mandalas are also found in nature. If you look at a flower, inside the flower, there’s a center and it radiates out or comes back in.

Carl Jung, if those of you who are into psychoanalysis and some of the Jungian theory, Carl Jung used mandalas to help his clients as they move through their things. Now, I don’t make it that tough. I’ll show you one of mine. Here’s one of my mandalas. It’s really about putting something in the center of a circle, in the circle for your own growth.

So, basically, when you come to this session, we’re going to examine the use of the symbology of the mandala. I’ll tell you a little bit of background about it. We’re going to discuss how mandalas are a symbol of wholeness. Because in the work that I do with people, it’s about really coming back to ourselves and to our wholeness. We’re going to design our own personalized mandala, and I’ll give you all the materials. All you have to do is show up with an open mind and an open heart. And we’re certainly going to have some fun about how you might be able to use mandalas in your own life.

So, anyway, I’ll see you at the PowerHouse Summit in late September. See you all there!

2023 Takeaways

Here are a few things you can plan to take away from your time with Dr. Terry Chase at Powerhouse Summit 2023:

The Wonder of the Mandala

  • How slowing down and going inward tap into our Power for moving forward.
  • Designed a personal Mandala symbolizing wholeness.
  • Explore creative arts for increased positivity and health.
  • Discover a centering activity that is portable and fun!

Ways to Connect

If you want to learn more about Dr. Terry Chase or connect with her directly, here are a few ways to do that: